Dr. Derek Farrell MBE hosts a one day online workshop
Workshop Outline:
EMDR is an internationally recognised, empirically supported treatment for pathogenic memories. Despite its substantiative growth in the last 30-years, EMDR is still viewed with certain degrees of scepticism, particularly amongst other contemporaneous treatment interventions, particularly around its teaching and learning, and secondly, its research and development strategy.
For the purpose of this workshop a comprehensive review of EMDR will be undertaken, stripping back to the core architecture of each of the eight phases, and then expanding upon the adaptive information processing framework, its usefulness in making sense of clients, and then using it to determine effective, and efficient treatment planning and strategy. In addition, the workshop will explore the next generation of EMDR, and how this may impact on clinical practice and policies, teaching & learning, research & development, and trauma capacity building.
Learning Outcomes: